Education PR Blog

Are you under the curse of vanity PR?

Are you under the curse of vanity PR?

Would you like to see your name in flashing lights?
Top tips for academics writing for media

Top tips for academics writing for media

Writing for media can be a challenging task. It can be hard to translate thoughts onto paper. Knowing exactly what the media or your audience are interested in might not be obvious. How do you put an authentic spin on a topic?
BlueSky Education: taking a global view of the student experience

BlueSky Education: taking a global view of the student experience

In an increasingly globalised world, international study is considered by many to be more desirable and important than ever. With over six million students choosing to take up their studies in a new or different country, access and the ability to study and build invaluable relationships with people from all over the world is right at students’ fingertips.
Top tips for a successful pitch

Top tips for a successful pitch

A more personalised and targeted method of disseminating interesting information about your institution or organisation to journalists is through pitching. Pitching involves suggesting a potential story idea to a journalist for a piece that you can provide content or comment for.
How business schools and universities can use SEO content

How business schools and universities can use SEO content

In recent years Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has become a term that we have all heard more and more. Indeed, SEO is an essential digital marketing tool that businesses benefit from massively, yet even if you have a basic understanding of what it involves, it is still hard to grasp just how effective it can be, and what makes good content/SEO.
Top 5 tips for higher education PRs

Top 5 tips for higher education PRs

If you want to be a good PR person then you need an effective strategy. Working in the media is competitive and PR is often more of an art form than a sales technique. If you know how to use PR correctly, you can make your message stand out and boost your institution’s success. Here are my top 5 tips for PR professionals working in higher education to help you achieve your goals.
How to create content people actually search for

How to create content people actually search for

One of the first things you’re told when trying to create an online presence – whether for an institution, for a programme or for an individual, is that, to create an impact, you need content.
How to demonstrate the value of your press coverage

How to demonstrate the value of your press coverage

For as long as public relations has existed, the industry has needed to demonstrate the value of press coverage. At the end of the day, it showcases the value of the work, maintains interest in comms expertise, helps to justify investments in PR, and helps to prove it’s worth.
Who is the most followed on the Thinkers50 list?

Who is the most followed on the Thinkers50 list?

When launched in 2001, Thinkers50 was the first-ever global ranking of management thinkers. Since then, it has published a new list every two years, and remains the premier ranking of its kind.
Content marketing: how to make the most of your content

Content marketing: how to make the most of your content

According to HubSpot’s State of Marketing Report, 82% of marketers actively use content marketing to achieve their branding goals. Up 17% since 2020, content marketing is recognised by many professionals as an effective, tried and tested means of attracting, engaging and retaining new audiences and customers – and in the case of business schools, prospective applicants.
6 tips on how to implement a long-term PR strategy effectively

6 tips on how to implement a long-term PR strategy effectively

Public relations is no quick win. Though first impressions certainly do count, you might not change people’s minds, their behaviour or make them act differently on your first engagement with them. It’s often a lengthy process, which takes time and patience – at the end of the day people don’t generally jump into decisions lightly.
How PR for research supports an institution's REF submission

How PR for research supports an institution's REF submission

It is absolutely vital that academic research has impact, especially for the Research Excellence Framework, the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions – and PR can help academics reach people who can use the insights to make real changes in society and companies.
How to use news trends to gain great coverage for your clients

How to use news trends to gain great coverage for your clients

Here are just a few examples of how to use news trends and how BlueSky Education has earned great coverage for our clients in these areas.
5 top tips for developing a PR strategy for business school rankings

5 top tips for developing a PR strategy for business school rankings

Barely a month goes by without a media league table of the world’s top universities and business schools. One month, it’s the rankings for business schools in Europe and the next it’s the rankings for MBAs, followed by rankings for Master’s programmes. The rankings for business schools and universities can feel constant and the wide variety of ranking tables published by a number of sources such as Forbes, The Economist, the Financial Times, and QS means that many schools can frequently see significant rises and falls.
How to boost applications to your EMBA using PR

How to boost applications to your EMBA using PR

Business schools around the world offer a vast selection of postgraduate courses, some of which are more commonly offered amongst institutions, such as Master in Management, Master in Finance, or MBA courses, as well as more specialised programmes, such as a Master of Management in Energy or a Master in Auditing. A postgraduate course offered at many different business schools is the Executive MBA (EMBA), a degree programme specifically designed for corporate executives and senior managers. With any business school programme, you will want to ensure there is a high enough number of applicants for your EMBA. This is where PR can be vital; business schools can use PR for a number of different reasons depending on the goals they have set out. One such goal is to increase applications and recruitment to a specific programme. Here are some ways in which PR can help your institution enhance its media presence and boost applications to your institution’s EMBA:
Top tips for creating a viral press release

Top tips for creating a viral press release

A press release is a vital tool when working in PR or comms for a university or business school. It is a great way to disseminate information quickly to a large number of people, whether that’s new or interesting research from your institution or information on new programmes that you want to share with journalists.
Understanding the media: tips for business schools and universities

Understanding the media: tips for business schools and universities

Another month, another influx of pioneering research papers. But which ones are destined for the headlines? The first step to securing phenomenal press coverage for business schools and universities is to identify exactly which research, and which student or alumni success stories, are most likely to catch the media’s attention. It’s equally vital to know when material lends itself to a press release, to an opinion editorial or to interview articles.
Industry 4.0 and the future of work

Industry 4.0 and the future of work

Industry 4.0: it’s a term that’s become pretty commonplace in recent years.
Business schools are like companies and so benefit from media exposure

Business schools are like companies and so benefit from media exposure

Today, there is more competition than ever between business schools as more and more are offering top-class programmes, innovative learning tools, and an extremely high-caliber of teaching. As such, international higher education markets are growing rapidly every year, which has indeed made the task of attracting leading academics and students more difficult than ever.
How your faculty can best promote their research via social media

How your faculty can best promote their research via social media

The use of social media has grown rapidly over the last decade, and even more so in the past few years. For this reason, individuals and companies are really understanding the importance of social media as a promotion tool, we didn’t get the term ‘Instagram influencer’ out of thin air but recent years have proven that anyone can use social media to promote themselves, or in this scenario, their research.
PR opinions on topics in the business press

PR opinions on topics in the business press

Getting in on the conversation is a well-trodden means to gain media coverage. This piggy-back method by responding or talking about key issues on the news agenda can be highly productive. It can help to enhance reputation or credibility by showcasing a university or business school’s knowledge and expertise in fields at the centre of the news agenda.
Research that captures the media's attention and why

Research that captures the media's attention and why

For countless business schools and universities worldwide, the research that they produce defines them.
How can PR set your brand apart from others?

How can PR set your brand apart from others?

Some brands are simply just synonymous with what they want to be known for. Apple are synonymous with leading cutting-edge technology, Tesla with cutting-edge manufacturing innovation and BlueSky Education, with unrivalled education PR knowledge 😉
How to get broadcast media opportunities

How to get broadcast media opportunities

Broadcast media can include a number of coverage types ranging from television and radio to podcasts.
What makes a good client PR relationship?

What makes a good client PR relationship?

Public relations agencies are, by definition, client-focused businesses. Without clients, we don’t exist. Doing great work for clients and keeping them happy is what we’re all here for, of course.
How to market Master's degrees taught in English

How to market Master's degrees taught in English

Today, master's degrees are surging in popularity, and the number of master's programmes on offer within business schools is growing every year, especially those taught in English.
How higher and business education PR has evolved

How higher and business education PR has evolved

It’s natural to expect that, over the course of time, the ways in which a university or business school operates will change. The past five years alone have been testament to just how much the world of education has evolved; the advancements in and preferences for online education over classroom-based learning for example, or the shift in curriculum focus to highlight increasingly important topics such as ethics and sustainability, all in the pursuit of providing a better, more valuable experience for students.
The competition to attract academics – and how PR can help

The competition to attract academics – and how PR can help

The competition to attract élite faculty has never been more intense.
What is graduate management education? And how to use PR to promote it

What is graduate management education? And how to use PR to promote it

In 1819, ESCP business school, as it’s now known today, was launched as a Ecole Spéciale de Commerce et d'Industrie, teaching students on key topics like entrepreneurship and business. This was the birth of graduate management education, and helped forge the pathways for other leading institutes in this area like Harvard, Wharton and Stanford – who have gone on to educate, hone and develop some of the world’s leading thinkers, politicians and CEOs.
Top PR fails of 2020 – lessons for universities and business schools

Top PR fails of 2020 – lessons for universities and business schools

It goes without saying, that 2020 will go down in history for a number of reasons: the COVID-19 pandemic, Brexit, Trump’s response to the election and the attack on the US Capitol, just to name a few.
Why seeing 6,000 to 10,000 ads a day makes PR more important

Why seeing 6,000 to 10,000 ads a day makes PR more important

Thanks to the rise in digital adverts, recent surveys tell us that we see 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day – and the shocking thing is most of us don’t even notice them.
PR Lessons learnt from Colin vs Cuthbert

PR Lessons learnt from Colin vs Cuthbert

We can all learn PR lessons from events we see in the news every day. From the prime minister to football managers, the potential for negative media attention is never far away. What is important however is how your organisation responds to this media, and how you turn scrutinised blunders into something positive.
Should PR feature in your student recruitment funnel?

Should PR feature in your student recruitment funnel?

(Here’s a hint: the answer is YES!) When choosing where to study my own degree I didn’t just stick to reading university prospectuses and the rankings, I also took the time to look at what other people were saying about the institution and its programmes outside of what the universities chose to share. I read the stories of alumni and I took note of students who’d shared their experiences in newspapers, magazines and blogs.
How to do PR for Executive Education

How to do PR for Executive Education

How can business schools use PR outreach to promote their Executive Education programmes? And how is it different to the promotion of other programmes?
Are PR agencies worth it?

Are PR agencies worth it?

What is PR? As an institution, you might be interested in hiring a PR agency and wondering whether PR agencies are worth it.
How public relations improves your online reputation

How public relations improves your online reputation

How do you successfully improve your online reputation? Well, the key is to listen to what your potential students are talking about. To monitor where your competitors are appearing and to anticipate where your industry is heading. It’s about being and staying ahead of the curve.
International Women’s Day – What does it mean to BlueSky Education?

International Women’s Day – What does it mean to BlueSky Education?

International Women's Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's Day (IWD) is often seen as one of the most important days of the year to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about women's equality, and fundraise for female-focused charities.
The importance of consistency

The importance of consistency

In today’s multiplatform online world, maintaining a consistent marketing message and strong brand presence is more important than ever. Over the last decade, the rise of social media and technology means that it is easier than ever to find information on an organisation, and the brand is highly visible to consumers throughout the word.
How to initiate partnerships with other universities & business schools

How to initiate partnerships with other universities & business schools

As Valentine’s Day wraps up, and love is in the air, it seems everyone is thinking about partnering up…
What did BlueSky Education achieve throughout 2020?

What did BlueSky Education achieve throughout 2020?

2020 was an incredibly difficult year for many, but it's important to look at the positives and appreciate our achievements as well.
New PR strategies

New PR strategies

Maximising the success of any institution or organisation often depends on having a winning PR strategy. Being able to impact the way in which your target audience – whether that’s stakeholders, prospective clients, and target consumers - perceive your organisation is vital to ensuring long-term success. And this doesn’t only apply to fashion brands, tech companies, or fast-food restaurants; this also applies to business schools and universities.
How 2020 changed business education

How 2020 changed business education

In the final episode of season two of the BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast, BlueSky Education’s Stephanie Mullins, Kerry Ruffle and Katie Hurley discuss the future of business education, focusing on the rise of virtual events, along with returning guest Angus Laing, Dean of Lancaster University Management School, and an in-depth interview with fellow BlueSky Education Thinking host, Matt Symonds.
Why do business schools need PR?

Why do business schools need PR?

Many people only know what PR is from Mad Men or Sex and the City and, even then, it is a vague and often inaccurate understanding of what it really is. In fact, many people should look to better understand the real impact public relations can have for a brand or institution.
The BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast – Season 2 Episode 5

The BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast – Season 2 Episode 5

Continuing with the theme of long term changes to business education in episode five of season two, but from the perspective of adapting and embracing opportunities for change, the BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast sees International BizEd Guru Matt Symonds – as well as BlueSky Education’s Stephanie Mullins and Kerry Ruffle – talk to Dana Brown, Dean of the Sprott School of Business at Carleton University and Angus Laing, Dean of Lancaster University Management School.
Long-term changes to business education

Long-term changes to business education

In the fourth episode of season two of the BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast, BlueSky’s Stephanie Mullins and Kerry Ruffle, alongside International BizEd Guru, Matt Symonds, discuss long-term changes to business education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Also in the episode, Steph is joined by Hanna-Leena Pesonen, Dean of Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics, as well as BlueSky Education’s Jonny Stone and Kate Mowbray, and Jonathan Simon, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Telfer School of Management.
Winning PR strategies

Winning PR strategies

Having a winning PR strategy is vital to the broader success of any organisation, in any field, providing any service.
Equality and diversity

Equality and diversity

In episode three of the second season of the BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast, BlueSky’s Stephanie Mullins and Kerry Ruffle are joined once again by International BizEd Guru, Matt Symonds, to discuss the importance of diversity in business education. Also in the episode, Stephanie sits down with Sunitha Narendran, Director of Roehampton Business School, as well as BlueSky Education colleague, Kyle Grizzell.
What does it take to build an effective PR strategy?

What does it take to build an effective PR strategy?

“Let’s do some PR for this”… A member of your faculty is hosting an event, or has published a book perhaps, or a new programme has been launched by your institution, and the request comes in… “Let’s do some PR on this.”
Raising the Dean’s profile

Raising the Dean’s profile

Focusing on the figurehead of a business school, the second episode of season two of the BlueSky Education Thinking Podcast sees International BizEd Guru Matt Symonds, BlueSky Education’s Stephanie Mullins, Kerry Ruffle and Peter Remon discuss how Deans can be positioned externally to great effect along with Sarah Seedsman, Executive Director of Engagement, Insights and Consulting at Media Minds Global, and returning guest Jonathan L. Simon, Director of Marketing and Communications at The Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa.
The benefits of digital PR in higher education

The benefits of digital PR in higher education

The early days of PR largely involved networking with journalists over the phone, face-to-face meetings, and building relationships with them in order to get companies, institutions and clients into newspapers and magazines. As such, prior to the internet, PR traditionally focused on print-based publications, TV and radio. But is it even PR now if we don’t include online media? With the growth of online marketing, the majority of PR professionals both in-house and in agencies today have shifted their focus further towards digital PR, with online publications becoming more and more influential.