POSTED BY Bruce Callander

Why you need a PR and marketing agency to support your hiring

Why you need a PR and marketing agency to support your hiring

Ask someone to think about PR and it’s likely their minds would bring up images of glamour, lots of drinking and, if you’re of a certain vintage at least, Absolutely Fabulous. Alas, times have changed. While it would be lovely to spend afternoons schmoozing with journalists in fancy bars, that’s sadly an outdated view of our industry. Most people have a broad understanding of what PR is, but few know how it really works, and why every in-house hiring department looking to boost its hiring should have a specialist agency in place.
The best employer brands – and what you can learn from them

The best employer brands – and what you can learn from them

We recently looked at the importance of building a strong employer brand – which is particularly key now, before the job market rebounds in the coming months. But what does a good brand look like? We’ve outlined some examples with key takeaways from each.