POSTED BY Stephanie King

How easy it for talent to apply for jobs?

How easy it for talent to apply for jobs?

Inhouse hiring teams have a lot on their plate with sourcing, interviewing, vetting and recruiting candidates and the myriad other tasks they deal with on a day-to-day basis, so it’s only natural that some things may get overlooked.
How relevant is your employer brand today?

How relevant is your employer brand today?

Even the biggest, most successful firms need a strong and well-developed employer brand. You could be a world class employer doing amazing things for your staff, but without this brand in place you will struggle to hire the skills you need and will miss out on talent to your rivals. However, it’s one thing building and developing this brand over time, you also need to consider whether it is still relevant in the drastically different employment world in which we’re now operating. So how do you keep your brand relevant and ensure it is up to speed with the demands and motivators of the modern workforce?
Is the traditional EVP on shaky ground

Is the traditional EVP on shaky ground

Employee Value Propositions (EVP) have traditionally focused on the workforce as, well, workers, and not much else. However, like so many other areas in the modern employment world, this has changed. But why is the traditional proposition on shaky ground and what must employers to do when adapting their EVP?
Why you should audit your EVP annually

Why you should audit your EVP annually

The employment market is evolving rapidly, you won’t need us to tell you that. However, businesses that want to win the war for talent need to evolve their employer brand in line with it, rather than risk being left behind. Here’s why it’s so critical to regularly assess where you are carry out an EVP audit.
Why your EVP needs a shake-up in a post-Covid landscape

Why your EVP needs a shake-up in a post-Covid landscape

While not quite as much has shifted post-COVID as many expected during the height of the pandemic, it’s obvious that some areas of life have changed dramatically, perhaps most notably, the employment market.
Why you need an EVP

Why you need an EVP

The importance of having a strong external consumer or customer brand enables your customer base to know that a product they invest in will have a certain level of quality and is obviously recognised as a fairly fundamental part of almost every business, but many firms aren’t aware that they also need a strong brand in order to recruit staff for themselves. But why is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) so important in the modern world?