POSTED BY Vickie Collinge

The power duo: Content and PR in In-House Recruitment

The power duo: Content and PR in In-House Recruitment

Despite falling vacancies, skills shortages remain a core issue for businesses. In-house recruitment teams are facing tough competition for the best talent. And as the UK economy and labour market begin to show signs of optimism, no doubt attracting the best people is going to become tougher.
The war for talent is only going to get worse: is your employer branding strong enough?

The war for talent is only going to get worse: is your employer branding strong enough?

The extent of skills shortages in the UK and indeed globally are well-documented. There’s no denying that companies are increasingly struggling to find the critical skills they need, despite falling vacancies. With green shoots on the horizon for the economy, businesses are understandably focusing on how they can both tackle current resourcing gaps and build talent pools that are sustainable for a fast-growth future. But it’s not going to be easy.