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Why you need an EVP | Employer branding | BlueSky PR

Written by Stephanie King | Nov 16, 2023 2:37:41 PM

The importance of having a strong external consumer or customer brand enables your customer base to know that a product they invest in will have a certain level of quality and is obviously recognised as a fairly fundamental part of almost every business, but many firms aren’t aware that they also need a strong brand in order to recruit staff for themselves. But why is an Employee Value Proposition (EVP) so important in the modern world?

Why is an EVP important?

If we go back a few years, the pinnacle of a strong EVP was developed by Apple. People wanted, and indeed still do, to work for the company, in large part due to the incredible opportunity that being an Apple employee offered. Yes, the company was one of the largest and most successful on the planet which naturally helped it to lure talent away from its rivals, however, the carefully crafted employee-facing brand that promised that working here would offer an innovative, exciting career developed over an extensive period of time certainly played a part

Apple is still recognised as one of the leading examples of a strong EVP, however, now almost every major organisation has also cottoned on to the importance of presenting yourself to potential employees in the strongest possible light. Organisations like Canva do an amazing job at highlighting the individual impact each employee has on their mission and wider goals, while Unilever showcases real examples of how its employees can deliver real change and advance their careers using case studies - “At the heart of our value proposition is that we build leaders. We develop leaders for Unilever, and Unilever leaders go on to be leaders elsewhere in the world.” Leading CRM provider, HubSpot, looks to promote its culture, with a strong focus on work-life balance and building a culture of flexibility, learning, and belonging.

Get on the radar of top talent

An EVP offers a comprehensive look into each position, enabling you to get on the radar of talent. In fact, creating a strong EVP can enhance and elevate your entire employer brand making you a more desirable landing point for top candidates. The fact that you have a clear vision is something that the best professionals will find attractive and using the right content can elevate you to be a thought leader in your field.

It also allows candidates to discover whether or not they are going to be a good fit for working there. It also reduces the potential for poor or ill-fitting hires to be made and ensures that you’re more likely to recruit people who are well-aligned with your brand and the company as a whole.

Company insights

An EVP covers the way you share information on your working culture, the rewards on offer, the organisation as a whole, its key people and details about the role, what a normal day looks like, what a more challenging day might look like – and essentially all the information a potential candidate might need to do in order to make an informed decision about working with you.

Authenticity is key

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, but a good EVP has to be authentic. If a new starter joins your organisation and finds that the reality doesn’t align with what they were promised when going through the application process, then they are likely to leave, creating more issues. This means that developing your specific proposition in partnership with your employees should be a key priority.


Your EVP is your opportunity to promote your organisation. It’s your shop window. It tells people outside your business why you exist and what it’s like to work with you and demonstrates the kind of opportunities available to them should they decide to join you. It also allows candidates to determine whether they see themselves reflected in your organisation. Developing this value proposition will enable you to get ahead of your competitors and secure the skills you need to thrive as an employer. Without creating one, you will struggle to secure these skills, particularly if rival firms do have a strong brand in place and in light of the skills-short market that we’re currently experiencing.

What factors do you think form the basis of an outstanding EVP?

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