International PR for Higher and Business Education

Visibility | Leadership | Impact

Media consultants of choice for many of the world’s most prestigious universities and business schools



Helping our clients to enhance their profiles and visibility both domestically and in key markets around the globe


We accomplish this through a wide range of tools


Our mission statement

BlueSky Education takes a holistic approach to helping clients engage in the most effective way with their key target audiences, from potential students and new faculty hires to corporate buyers, partner institutions and funding bodies. We secure compelling coverage in influential media titles all over the world, always maintaining our commitment to excellence, impact and service.


Nazarbayev University

Nazarbayev University

We were selected by Nazarbayev University, a higher education institution in the capital of Kazakhstan, to enhance their global media profile. One of their goals for enhancing their international media profile was to increase the number of international student applications and admissions. This can be achieved in a number of ways including student diaries, graduate outcomes, faculty profiles, and research outcomes, all demonstrating to potential students what the school can offer them.


Is it ever good PR to bad-mouth a competitor?

Is it ever good PR to bad-mouth a competitor?

When forming a PR strategy, there can be a real temptation to bad-mouth your competitors. It stems from the mentality that there are a finite number of customers and resources, and that success is, therefore, a zero-sum game. Big corporations are often prime examples. Think of the public rivalries between brands like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, or Apple and Microsoft.