The best media coverage from BlueSky Education

BlueSky Education Client Media Coverage Highlights June 2023

Written by Georgina Tierney | Jul 6, 2023 1:21:00 PM

June was one of the hottest months on record in the UK, and like the temperatures, success rates at BlueSky this month were red hot. As follows is a brief overview of some of the standout coverage that our clients have enjoyed this month.

This month saw many of our clients featured in articles for Pride Month and Refugee Week, with clients such as ESMT Berlin, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, GMAC, INSEAD, Aalto University School of Business, IMPM and POLIMI Graduate School of Management all featuring in this wonderful Poets and Quants article. The article highlighted some of the amazing work that business schools are doing with the LGBTQ+ initiatives on offer in each.

In keeping with Pride month, this Forbes article explored what LGBTQ+ people are experiencing within business education, and how they are using their education in their careers now. The people mentioned in the article are all paving the way for young LGBTQ+ people who want to go far in their career and be open about their identity at the same time! A wonderful article, with alumni from EHL Hospitality Business School, Durham University Business School, University of Edinburgh Business School, Rotterdam School of Management and King’s Business School. The article is an excellent read, which highlights the need for pride and acceptance in the world of business.

For Refugee Week, this article from Forbes explored the ways that refugees can avail of a business school education. Schools such as ESMT Berlin, King’s Business School, Asia School of Business, Rotterdam School of Management and Nyenrode Business University all have access programmes available to help give refugees equal opportunity to enjoy a business education. A cause of great importance, and one that will hopefully continue to grow and thrive when it is needed.

Other topics of interest this month included ESSEC Business School’s new double degree with Carnegie Mellon University, which was featured on FE News, Business Because, EFMD, and the FT’s business school insider newsletter. A vast and varied range of coverage for the highly sought after programme!

Similarly, clients such as Vlerick Business School, King’s Business School and ESSEC Business School were all featured in the wonderful AACSB. Their different news all got the attention it so rightly deserved!

Naturally, there were countless other features in outlets such as Yahoo, PIE News, QS, Authority Magazine and many, many more. Topics such as AI and sustainability were explored, with expert advice being provided from people at the top of their field.

After another big month for coverage, we are proud that so many clients were featured in top tier media as they deserve. But seeing so many of our clients working towards a better future and using their platform to help create opportunities for minority groups makes the coverage even sweeter. We are delighted to be a part of spreading the word of all of your good work. If you're reading this and thinking of how well your institution would fit in to all of this wonderful coverage, don’t hesitate to reach out. Your mention in Forbes could even happen before the next heatwave arrives!