The best media coverage from BlueSky Education

BlueSky Education Coverage Highlights August 2021

Written by Ariella Durban | Sep 1, 2021 9:21:00 AM

August was a busy month for BlueSky Education, and whilst the temperature outside continued to climb, we showed no signs of cracking under the heat. And so, despite there being an academic pause for the summer, we continued to secure an outstanding amount of coverage for our clients across an array of widely-read and well-respected publications.  

With the Olympic games in Tokyo captivating the world’s attention, a timely article in Forbes, featuring a number of Olympians who have studied at business schools seemed like a great article to pursue for our clients. Featuring the likes of Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, Aalto University School of Business, Trinity Business School, Neoma Business School, BI Norwegian Business School and Rotterdam School of Management, the article serves as an inspirational read, and demonstrates how invaluable a business education can be – even to those who initially pursue a sporting career.

Another amazing piece of coverage the BlueSky Education team secured was in MBA International Business Magazine. This featured the likes of Durham University Business School, Vienna University of Economics and Business, ESCP Business School, emylon Business School, Imperial College Business School and Vlerick Business school, all discussing the importance of gender equality and equity in business schools. It was great opportunity for our clients to share their thoughts on such a significant issue, and also to highlight what steps they’re taking to tackle the diversity challenge head-on.

But MBA International Business Magazine wasn’t the only leading education outlet to feature BlueSky’s clients this month – we also secured some great coverage in leading education and business specific publications such as Business Because and Association of MBAs, continuing to achieve our goals of bolstering our client’s reputation.

One final stand-out piece of coverage came via an article published in The Economist. Featuring a Durham University Business School MBA candidate, the article makes a compelling profile piece, in which the student shares his story, and reflects on how the MBA has changed his life: a new country, new people and a year of studying.

Now, with the academic new year ready to begin, BlueSky education cannot wait to see what exciting opportunities await us. To find out how we can help your business school or university to achieve its media goals, contact BlueSky Education today.