The best media coverage from BlueSky Education

BlueSky Education Coverage Highlights March 2022

Written by Jamie Hose | Apr 1, 2022 12:25:28 PM

Much of the business and higher education world is now accelerating towards exam season, and we at BlueSky Education have been knuckling down too. Keeping an eye on the news, we made sure to capitalise on the latest trends in national media outlets and business-specific trade press, to secure brilliant coverage for our clients. Here are some of our highlights this March:

Two fantastic pieces of coverage were published in the Financial Times on the same day, featuring contributions from Durham University Business School and Vlerick Business School. In an opportunity to display their tech leadership, both schools gave advice about how to choose your ideal online MBA, and whether online MBAs could increase the accessibility of business education. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, learning is increasingly taking place online – so it’s important for business schools to show they are keeping ahead of the curve.

International Women’s Day also gave business schools an opportunity to show how they are moving with the times. A Forbes article discussing scholarships and opportunities for women at business schools involved no fewer than 13 of our clients, including Trinity Business School, Imperial College Business School, NEOMA Business School and many more. Demonstrating the opportunities they offer to people of diverse backgrounds shows business schools care about their student base, and this was a great way to synchronise their stories with international news.

Another great piece of coverage linked to International Women’s Day was a Forbes article collecting the thoughts of 11 inspiring women in higher education on the key challenges women face in the workplace. Professors from Aalto University Business School, Nazarbayev University, GBSB Global Business School and many others were quoted, showing the value of their opinions to a business audience. The article did not end with Forbes though. It was picked up by publications as diverse as The USA Express News, The New Zealand Times and The Singapore Times.

It was also a great month for our clients’ research. Information from a fascinating study from University of Cologne explaining how Google has a detrimental effect on a person’s memory was published in The Science Times, which targets an audience specifically interested in issues of health, technology and climate. It was the perfect place for research like this, where it will be read by people likely to be highly engaged with its contents.

And last but not least, BlueSky secured coverage in a wide range of trade press publications, such as a Poets & Quants piece profiling female business school founders which included BI Norwegian Business School and others. Other hits included QS Top MBA and AMBITION, the official magazine of the accrediting body AMBA.

But as always, there are many more pieces of coverage we can’t squeeze into these highlights. If you’d like to find out how we can help your business school or university get the media attention it deserves, contact BlueSky Education today.