BlueSky Education Coverage Highlights October 2020
It has been another successful month for BlueSky Education and our clients. Despite the continued challenges posed by COVID-19 – which have put many of us into another lockdown and dominated the media – we’ve continued to adapt and have secured some amazing coverage for our clients.

BlueSky Education Coverage Highlights September 2020
It’s that time of year again. As September comes to a close, the academic year is officially under way. Needless to say, with business schools getting back into the swing of things, it’s been a busy time for BlueSky Education. We’ve achieved incredible results for our clients across the board, and as October begins we’re not showing any signs of slowing down.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights August 2020
It’s been another successful month for the BlueSky Education team and all our clients. As we move into the new academic year, lets take a look at some of the coverage we have secured in both trade and top tier press in August.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights July 2020
School may be out for summer, but it’s been business as usual for the BlueSky Education team. As business schools and universities look to the next academic year, we’ve secured some amazing results for our clients.

BlueSky Education Coverage Highlights June 2020
Despite the current circumstances and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, it has been another great month for the BlueSky Education team who have secured high quality coverage for clients across the board, from top tier global publications to important trade press.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights May 2020
It was another amazing month for BlueSky Education and our clients. Despite the continued challenges posed by COVID-19, forcing schools online and well-and-truly captivating the media’s attention, we’ve continued to adapt and thrive, securing strong coverage for our clients.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights April 2020
April has flown by, which is very surprising since we have pretty much been stuck indoors, but regardless of the circumstances the BlueSky Education team has been incredibly successful with clients achieving significant coverage in top tier and trade press.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights March 2020
The month of March has been a busy one to say the least for the BlueSky Education team. With the world bracing itself for COVID-19, business schools adapting to online learning, and the media being caught in a frenzy around the coronavirus, BlueSky have continued to deliver amazing results for our clients, expertly navigating the storm.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights February 2020
February has flown by and the BlueSky Education team have been as busy as ever, with our clients getting coverage in top tier and trade press. Below are just some of the examples of the brilliant coverage we have secured.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights January 2020
We’re coming to the end of the first month of a New Year, and BlueSky Education has entered 2020 on a high. Over the past month we have achieved amazing coverage for our clients in top tier and sector specific publications across the globe, from India to Ireland. Here’s just a few examples of what we’ve been up to:

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights December 2019
Happy New Year from the BlueSky team!

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights November 2019
It’s been another busy month for the BlueSky Education team, with all of our clients being well and truly in the full swing of the academic year. Once again, looking back over the month of November, BlueSky has had a lot to be proud of, securing coverage for our clients in a whole host of top tier and trade publications. Here’s a few examples of what we’ve been up to:

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights October 2019
It’s officially winter now, and the last month has been busy for the BlueSky Education team, with our clients getting lots of exposure in top tier and trade press. Below are just some examples of the brilliant coverage we have secured for our clients.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights September 2019
September seemed to come and go in a flash. With it being the start of the academic term for many, the month seemed to fly by. It was another busy month for the BlueSky Education team, with lots of coverage to show for it!

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights August 2019
2019 is flying by and the last month has been busy for the BlueSky Education team, with our clients gaining lots of exposure in both trade and top tier publications. Below just are some of the highlights of the brilliant coverage we have secured.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights July 2019
July brought soaring temperatures across the UK, and we certainly felt the heat here at BlueSky PR with another very busy month, with our clients gaining extensive media coverage in international, national and trade specific publications. Below we take a look at just a few of these highlights.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights June 2019
Halfway through 2019 and June has been another coverage-packed month for BlueSky Education with our clients featuring in a number of publications across national media, prominent online news hubs, and influential sector press. Below are some highlights of the quality media coverage we have secured.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights May 2019
The month of May brought with it sunshine as well as some great coverage for clients of BlueSky Education in a number of international publications. Below are some highlights of the quality media coverage we secured this past month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights April 2019
April brought another busy month for the BlueSky Education team, with our clients gaining much exposure in international, national and trade news outlets. Below we take a look at just a few examples of the fantastic pieces of media coverage we have attained this month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights March 2019
2019 is flying by and March was another coverage-packed month for the BlueSky Education team. With articles featured everywhere from the Financial Times to the Times of India, our clients have enjoyed a wide spread of quality exposure. Below, we share a selection of our highlights from the last month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights December 2018
December brought with it the end of 2018 and here at BlueSky Education, we saw out the year with a spate of fantastic global coverage. Below, we share a selection of the great media opportunities we secured for our clients last month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights November 2018
As November comes to an end and the BlueSky Education team looks forward to the Christmas holiday break, we take a look back at some of the great coverage we gained for our clients over the month of November. As ever, the BlueSky Education team had an extremely busy month, gaining numerous pieces of coverage in international, national and trade news outlets for our clients. Below we take a look at just a few examples of the fantastic media exposure we have secured this month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Coverage Highlights October 2018
October has come to a close and the academic year is now in full swing. For the BlueSky Education team, this means our client base are embarking on plenty of exciting projects, and as ever we have secured an abundance of fantastic coverage, displaying their activity to global press. Below we reflect on just a few examples of the fantastic media exposure we have secured this month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights September 2018
September kicks off the academic year. For us in the university and business education world, this makes for an eventful month; professors are back, rankings are out and inboxes are full. As ever, at BlueSky we’ve made the most of every opportunity; below are just a select few highlights taken from the coverage we’ve achieved this month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights August 2018
Here at BlueSky PR there’s no such thing as a “quiet month”, and as always, August proved to a busy time for the education team. Unfortunately, we can’t show you all of the amazing work we have done, it would take too long, but below is a selection of our top coverage from the last month.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights July 2018
Despite being the hottest July in a decade, the BlueSky Education team still managed to secure some quality coverage for our clients this month - with the help of a little air-con. Here are some of July’s highlights:

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights June 2018
Despite the World Cup beginning in June, the BlueSky Education team still managed to kick on and have a successful month, where we secured quality coverage in global, national and trade outlets for our clients. Here are some of June’s highlights:

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights May 2018
Despite there being two bank holidays in May, the BlueSky Education team still managed to have another busy and successful month, gaining quality coverage in global, national and trade outlets for our clients. Here are some of May’s highlights:

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights April 2018
April proved, again, to be an extremely busy month for the BlueSky Education team – successfully gaining coverage for our clients in a number of global, national and trade outlets. Here are some of April’s highlights.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights March 2018
March was another busy month for the BlueSky Education team, as always, we delivered top tier coverage for our clients, from the Financial Times to the Evening Standard.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights February 2018
Despite arctic conditions and the chaos caused by the #BeastFromTheEast. February was still a productive month for the BlueSky Education team, from the Wall Street Journal to the Financial Times, we still managed to secure top tier coverage for many of our clients.

BlueSky PR: Business Education Highlights January 2018
January 2018 proved to be a busy start to the year for the BlueSky Education team – with numerous successes for our clients in global, national and trade outlets. Here are some of January’s highlights.