Competitor analysis 

BSE social competitor analysis

Gain a competitive edge in the global media landscape

In today's fast-paced, interconnected world, standing out in the global media landscape is more crucial than ever for universities and business schools. Our comprehensive competitor analysis service is designed to unlock your institution's full potential, providing deep insights into your international positioning and uncovering hidden opportunities that can propel you ahead of the competition.


Our thorough approach:

  1. Media coverage analysis

At the heart of our service is a deep dive into top-tier editorial content. This could include The Financial Times, Reuters and Times of India, for instance. We meticulously examine your current media presence across agreed platforms and regions, and that of your chosen competitors. This analysis not only highlights your strengths but also identifies areas ripe for growth and expansion. By understanding how your institution is perceived in the media, we can craft strategies and suggestions to enhance your visibility and reputation on a global scale.


  1. Geographic targeting strategies

The global education market is diverse, with each region presenting unique opportunities and challenges. Our expert team develops tailored suggestions for expanding your media coverage in key international markets. We consider factors such as local trends, cultural nuances, and media consumption habits to ensure your message resonates with your target audience in each geography.


  1. Social media benchmarking

Your social media presence is often the first point of contact for prospective students and partners. We conduct a thorough comparison of your institution's and Dean's social media performance against your top competitors. This benchmarking exercise provides valuable insights into engagement rates, content strategies, and platform utilisation, enabling you to refine your digital strategy for maximum impact.

Blurred social presentation

Actionable insights

Our detailed competitor analysis report is more than just data – it's a roadmap for success. You'll receive:

  • A concise overview of key findings and strategic recommendations, allowing you to quickly grasp the most critical insights.
  • Data-driven insights supported by clear visualisations, making complex information easily digestible and actionable.
  • Side-by-side comparisons highlighting your strengths and areas for improvement, providing a clear picture of where you stand in the market.
  • Actionable steps to enhance your media and social media strategies, tailored to your institution's unique goals and challenges.
  • Customised KPIs to track your ongoing success, ensuring you can measure the impact of your enhanced strategies over time.


By leveraging these insights, your institution can make informed decisions, allocate resources more effectively, and stay ahead of industry trends. Our analysis empowers you to craft compelling narratives that resonate with your target audience, whether they're potential students, faculty, or international partners.

Global reputation can significantly impact enrolment, partnerships, and funding opportunities, therefore, having a clear understanding of your competitive landscape is invaluable. Our service goes beyond surface-level data, providing you with the depth of insight needed to make strategic decisions that will shape your institution's future.

Contact us today to embark on your bespoke competitive analysis journey.

Please email Stephanie Mullins-Wiles at or call +44(0)1582 790 700 and choose the option for BlueSky Education.